Saturday, April 6, 2013



i love poems 
I really love poems  and i love reciting them in both English and french  
This is the first ever poem I have ever thought of and you lot are really  lucky to get to read it because  i never share things like this with other people 


you have to have a thought 
a big big thought 
a magical wonderful thought 
to make it into a story 
and make it come true 
with magical witches 
and wonderful princes 
who rescue princesses 
from terrible towers 
and give them beautiful  flowers 
you have to have a thought 
a big big thought
a magical wonderful thought 
to make it into a story 
and make it come true 

I hope you liked it  it was my first ever poem so next time it will be much much better 

sister of six xxx

1 comment:

  1. that is a really lovely poem thankyou for sharing it xxx
